
Yes, it’s showtime for the Polk County Republicans!

Yes, the show must go on!  From County on to District (April 23) and then on to State (June 11.) We showed everyone that we could pull off a tremendously efficient, dynamic and informative County Convention on Saturday, March 12 at the Sheraton West Des Moines. Thanks to all our committees who diligently worked behind the scenes and on Convention Day to make sure that our delegates and guests had a smooth, effective and productive day as many will go forward to the Third District Convention in Creston at Southwest Community College on Saturday, April 23.



One of our greatest assets of the Republican Party is genuinely our Big Tent. We come together to have events which give us a community presence of outreach, listening and most importantly, educating those who might not know our stances on key issues facing our community.

It’s only May but we are getting started now with our sign-up link for upcoming events. The success of our participation is to have YOU there. Please consider a two-hour shift. Bring the family! Bring your ideas! Bring a smile and help! It’s your Party! To learn more, contact us at 515-280-6438 and volunteer or on line at Become a Volunteer!

We will have a booth at the annual CelebrAsian celebration at Gateway Park in Des Moines. This crowd-packed event is full of sights, sounds and smells of all things Asian. And our presence gives us the opportunity to visit with like-minded friends and make new ones, too. There will be many shifts from which to choose. To sign up to work in the booth Volunteer Today!

Friday, May 27 - 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Saturday, May 28 - 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Western Gateway Park, Des Moines Iowa


Don’t sit on the sidelines or let the parades pass you by!

There are ample opportunities to get involved with the Republican Party of Polk County. As the spring and summer wears on, there will be many parades, festivals, local events and backyard meet-and-greets. Please get involved as little or as much as you can because it helps spread the word about our mission, our values and most of all, our commitment to turn Polk County RED.

In future newsletters, we will publish the Des Moines Metro Parade listings - get your walking shoes ready!

Third District U.S. Congressional Candidates


All three of the Republican candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives District 3 reside in Polk County. That gives us lots of chances to volunteer, meet them, support them and show our pride in our “hometown own.” The Primary Election is Tuesday, June 7. You have plenty of time to help–just like these three have done for the Republican Party of Polk County–over the years! 

Nicole Hasso: “My story is only possible in America, because here, where you start does not have to be where you finish. I believe that is all under attack by bad policies and radical agendas. That’s why I’m running for Congress—to support our police, protect innocent life, defend our right to keep and bear arms, fight for lower taxes, smaller government, and better opportunities for all Americans. I’m working hard to earn your vote.”


Gary Leffler: “Iowa values were first instilled from my youth on my grandparent’s farm. This grew into a lifetime passion for farming. In fact, I am the only congressional candidate that has owned and operated a farm. This understanding of the farming community is essential for anyone who will represent the heart of Iowa.”


 Zach Nunn: “Zach Nunn knows Iowa’s strength comes from putting our communities first. His public service is a proven record of delivering for Iowans with hard work, and innovative solutions. As a combat aviator with the US Air Force, Zach is a fighter for America. As an elected State Senator, Zach’s won election after election against incumbents. Zach fights  for Iowans’ individual liberties, fiscal discipline, and limited government.”


 NOTE: All statements are from each candidates’ website.

           Chairman's Report

The Polk County Convention was an indication that the county base is energized and ready to get to work and elect Republicans up and down the ballot.   

With the direction our country has gone, with high inflation and gas prices reaching highs not seen since the 70’s, we see the need that we all must get engaged to insure we get republicans elected. Sitting on the sidelines does not win elections. 

To build on this momentum we are announcing our volunteer program

We NEED you to find yard sign locations, to talk to your neighbors, to register voters; to get out of your comfort zone and get to the campaign offices to help make literature packets, put out yard signs, make phone calls and knock doors.  Sitting on the sidelines will not help us win elections.

The program allows volunteers to earn points for participating in campaign work from the volunteer task list.  Once you earn the required total of points you will receive a gift incentive.  The more you do, the more points you receive for incentive gifts and then entered into the Grand Prize of $500.   (*this program is limited to Polk County residents and not an employee of a campaign). 

The second component of Build the Base is the organization of the Senate and House Districts across Polk County.  This will allow us to get to know our neighbors to work together.  Watch for details of a meeting in your area coming soon.

We want you to be part of the team.  Are you in?  Please email:  [email protected] to sign up and receive all the details and outline of the project of how you earn gift incentives.


Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver - Senate District 19

Senator Brad Zaun - Senate District 20

Senator Zach Nunn - Senate District 15

Representative Eddie Andrews - House District 39

Representative Michael Bousselot - House District 37

Representative Garrett Gobble - House District 38

Representative Brian Lohse - House District 30

We have been working hard with the Republican Party of Iowa and our local leaders to field candidates for the June 7 Primary and November 8 General Election. We thank them–and their families–for getting out our message!

Please go to the Iowa Secretary of State’s website to review all our candidates and information.

Those announced candidates as of this publication are:

  • U.S. Senate - U. S. Senator Charles Grassley; Iowa Senator Jim Carlin (primary June 7)
  • 3rd Congressional District - Nicole Hasso; Gary Leffler; Iowa Senator Zach Nunn (primary June 7)
  • Governor - Governor Kim Reynolds
  • Iowa Secretary of State - Secretary of State Paul Pate
  • Iowa State Auditor - Mary Ann Hanusa; Todd Halbur (primary June 7)
  • Iowa Attorney General - Brenna Bird
  • Iowa Secretary of Agriculture - Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig
  • Iowa Senate District 16 - Shad Clayton; Bradley Price (primary June 7)
  • Iowa Senate District 21 – Rep. Michael Bousselot
  • Iowa Senate District 23 - Senator Jack Whitver
  • Iowa House District 30 – Jerry Cheevers
  • Iowa House District 31 – Justin Pearson
  • Iowa House District 32 – Mark Brown
  • Iowa House District 39 - Mark Weatherly
  • Iowa House District 40 - Bill Gustoff
  • Iowa House District 41 - Marvis Landon
  • Iowa House District 42 - Representative Garrett Gobble
  • Iowa House District 43 - Representative Eddie Andrews; Brett Nelson (primary June 7)
  • Iowa House District 45 - Representative Brian Lohse
  • Iowa House District 46 - David Dicks; Jeremy Freeman; Dan Gehlbach; Esperance Hope Ikora, Dan Kelley (primary June 7)
  • Polk County Attorney - Allen Richards

IMPORTANT VOTER INFORMATION - 64 days until the June Primary 

Requests for Absentee Ballots now available

  • Absentee Ballot Requests must be received in the Polk County Election Office by 5pm Monday, May 23rd.
  • Absentee Ballots will be mailed out Wednesday, May 18 through Monday, May 23rd.  
  • Early Voting in the Polk County Election Office will begin Wednesday, May 18 through Monday, June 6th (M-F, including Saturday, June 4th)

Absentee ballot must in Auditor's office by close of the polls on June 7 

Polk County Election Information

Consider attending any or all of these upcoming events:

Thursday, April 14 (7:15 am) Annual Iowa Prayer Breakfast - Community Choice Convention Center,  Des Moines
Thursday, April 21 (6:00 pm) Capitol Region Republican Women  "Candidate's Invitational" - Iowa Machine Shed, Urbandale
Saturday, April 23 (9:00 am) Third District Convention -   Southwestern Community College, Creston
Tuesday, April 26  (6:30 pm)  Republican Party of Polk County Central Committee (watch email for location of meeting)


Republican Party of Polk County Iowa

Sherill Whisenand

Communication Director and Newsletter Editor

[email protected]

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