Polk County Voters: Find information about 2022 Republican Party Candidates on the links below.
United States Congress
- U.S. Senate - Senator Grassley Grassley Works
- U.S. Congress 3rd District - Zach Nunn Zach Nunn for Congress
State of Iowa
- Governor of Iowa - Governor Kim Reynolds Reynolds/Gregg
- Iowa Secretary of State - Paul Pate Pate for Iowa
- Attorney General - Brenna Bird Bird for Iowa
- Treasurer - Robby Smith Roby Smith for Treasurer
- Auditor - Todd Halbur Todd Halbur for State Auditor
- Secretary of Ag - Mike Naig Mike Naig for Iowa Agriculture
Iowa Senate
- Senate District 16 - Bradley Price Price for Senate
- Senate District 21 - Michael Bousselot Mike B for Iowa
- Senate District 23 - Senator Jack Whitver Whitver for Iowa
Iowa House of Representatives
- House District 30 - Jerry Cheevers
- House District 31 - Justin Pearson Justin Pearson for Iowa House
- House District 32 - Mark Brown Mark Brown for Iowa House
- House District 39 - Mark Weatherly Mark Weatherly for Iowa House
- House District 40 - Bill Gustoff Gustoff for Iowa
- House District 41 - Marvis Landon Marvis Landon for IA House
- House District 42 - Rep. Garrett Gobble Gobble for Iowa
- House District 43 - Rep. Eddie Andrews Eddie For Iowa
- House District 45 - Rep. Brian Lohse Brian Lohse for Iowa
- House District 46 - Dan Gelhbach Dan4iowa
Polk County
- County Attorney - Allan Richards Elect Richards